Judicial Branch provides remote public access to court proceedings

A July 30th order provides that (except for certain proceedings listed in the order, or unless otherwise ordered by a court) all proceedings in Maine’s trial courts shall be conducted remotely, by video or telephone. Cases will continue to be scheduled subject to available court resources, including technology. A party may file a motion to request an in-person proceeding if there are special circumstances. Factors to be considered by the court include the health and safety of court staff, parties, and witnesses; the ability of parties to participate remotely; and Judicial Branch resources, including courtroom space, technology assistance, and clerical assistance. The order also outlines the process for conducting remote proceedings.

Pursuant to PMO-SJC-7:

Courtrooms in use for non-confidential proceedings shall remain open to the public during hours of operation. Any member of the public or media wishing to attend a non-confidential court proceeding may do so in person and subject to the required conditions set forth in the Plan.

Administrative Order JB-05-15 shall apply to media coverage of remote court proceedings during the pandemic. Members of the media may request direct access to cover a public but remote court proceeding being conducted solely by video or telephone and access a recording of or live audio stream of a court proceeding by submitting the Media Notification-Requested Coverage form.

Courts’ COVID-19 Response page:


Members of the public who wish to observe or listen to remote court proceedings should contact the clerk of the court where the hearing is being held. A listing of court locations and contact information is appended to PMO-SJC-7 found at the link below:


For More Information see the court system’s press release at


Judicial Branch Provides Maine eCourts Update on July 15, 2020

Maine eCourts is the Judicial Branch’s new online court case management system, powered by Tyler Technologies’ Odyssey software.

  • EFiling and other features of Maine eCourts is on track to be available beginning in the fall of 2020 for some types of cases in Bangor District Court and Penobscot County Superior Court, as well as the Business Consumer Docket statewide. All trial court case types will be available in Penobscot and Piscataquis County courts in spring 2021, with additional courts to follow. Criminal and juvenile dockets will be among those cases that will be available in the spring of 2021.
  • Unrepresented parties will not be required to use eFiling.
  • Public Access Computers (PACs) will be available at courthouses offering eFiling and Maine eCourts portal access to court records. Clerks will be available at the courthouse to help unrepresented parties use the terminals.
  • Online tools, Online trainings, and tutorials –  will be available.
  • Technical support and helplines – The Judicial Branch will offer helplines for users during normal business hours. Offsite technical support will also be provided by Tyler Technologies’ call centers from 8 a.m.- 8 p.m. EST.

The full press release is available at the link below:


Chief Justice Reports that eFiling Will Launch in October

Chief Justice Mead told members of the Maine State Bar Association that the Maine courts plan to roll out e-filing in the central Maine. Bangor Courts will be the first to go live in October.

Before then, the Maine State Bar Association will do some training for lawyers.

It is unclear how the public will become aware of these efforts.

The Bar talk can be found at the link below–the conversation begins at 14:26

Maine Courts Re-establish High Profile Case Webpage

For the matter of Avangrid Networks, Inc., et al. v. Secretary of State et al., an appeal from an order of the Superior Court (Cumberland County) dismissing Avangrid Networks’ complaint seeking to enjoin the Secretary of State from placing a citizen initiative to reject the New England Clean Energy Connect Transmission Project on the November 3, 2020, ballot. The Court invites briefs of amici curiae.  Details on the procedure for the matter are available on the high-profile case page and in the procedural order issued by the Court.
