Court Record Related Bills submitted To Be Considered in First Regular Session of the 130th Legislature

Maine Judicial Branch (Department) Bill

LR 393 An Act to Clarify Rules Concerning Electronic Records and Filing was filed as a Department bill but it has not yet been printed. Once printed the bill will go before the Judiciary Committee for consideration.


Sponsor Bills submitted prior to cloture on December 18, 2020 but not yet printed:

L.R. 84 An Act to Limit Access to Juvenile Case Records and Protect the Confidentiality of Juvenile History Record Information

L.R. 714 An Act To Provide Electronic Access to Confidential Juror Information

L.R. 1118 Resolve, To Expunge Criminal and Civil Records Related to Marijuana Activities Legalized by the Voters of Maine

L.R. 1188 An Act To Automatically Seal All Crimes Decriminalized in the 130th Legislature

L.R. 1227 An Act To Remove Barriers to Employment by Sealing the Records of Persons Convicted of Certain Nonviolent Crimes

L.R. 1338 An Act To Provide a Process for Expungement of Certain Criminal Records

L.R. 1339 Resolve, To Create a Criminal Records Review Committee

L.R. 1340 An Act Regarding a Post-judgment Motion by a Person Seeking To Satisfy the Prerequisites for Obtaining Special Restrictions on the Dissemination and Use of Criminal History Record Information for Certain Criminal Convictions

L.R. 1446 An Act To Protect an Individual’s Personal Data

L.R. 1601  RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine To Create a Right to Privacy 

LR. 1602 An Act To Protect the Information Privacy of Maine Residents

L.R. 1603 An Act to Prevent Violations of Privacy Caused by the Use of Drones

L.R. 1753 Ab Act to Protect Maine Residents and Organizations from Unreasonable and Illegal Surveillance, Monitoring or Tracking

L.R. 1824 An Act to Create the Biometric Privacy Protection Act

L.R. 1842 An Act To Enact the Maine Data Collection Protection Act

L.R. 1878 An Act To Promote Equity in Policy Making by Enhancing the State’s Ability To Collect, Analyze and Apply Data

L.R. 1953 RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine To Establish Personal Privacy as a Natural Right


Maine eCourts Site Updated

The Maine Judicial Branch updated its website, by converting to the State of Maine’s governmental template. As a result some of the links in this portion of the CTAP site may not be functional. Overtime, we will attempt to update links or make notes where that is not possible.

For Court published information, visit the Maine e-Courts section of the State of Maine Judicial Branch web site: