ShareFile Program Expanding to More Courts to Cover 4 of 8 Regions

A ShareFile Pilot was launched as a pilot program in January 2022 in some courts in Region 1, later more courts in Region 1 joined, and in April courts in Regions 7 & 8 were added. Beginning on May 23, 2022, may begin electronically filing criminal, civil violation, and juvenile cases using the ShareFile tool in Region 2 (Cumberland County).

The Administrative Order governing the Pilot was amended effective May 23, 2022, and it can be found here:

Maine Supreme Court Requires Lawyers to Provide an Email Address When Registering

Date: 5/17/2022 

Since November 2020, users of eFileMaine in the Bangor Courts and the statewide Business and Consumer Docket have been required to provide an email address when filing documents in civil cases electronically. On May 17, 2022, the Supreme Judicial Court announced today that amendments to Maine Bar Rule 4(a)  will require all active lawyers to provide a single email address for electronic service in the State of Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar (“the Board”). by August 31, 2022.

The email address provided will be available in the electronic filing system for lawyers to search to provide for electronic service.

The Rule Amendment can be found here:

More information about e filing can be found here: