E-Filing: Ready, Set, Send
The Maine Bar Journal Volume 35 features an article by Professor Nancy A. Wanderer describing the challenges and opportunities for lawyers in the time of e-filing. Here are some of the Professor’s thoughts:
I understand the anxiety Maine lawyers may be experiencing as they contemplate the change to e-filing. I also appreciate their tendency to push aside any concerns they may be feeling, when they shrug and say “they don’t expect much change for lawyers” who have been using PACER in the federal courts for years. Laura’s Maine Bar Journal article, called “E-Filing: It’s a Big Deal,” was her clarion call, warning Maine lawyers that they need to be ready for this change and participate in decisions about how that change will be implemented.
Nancy A. Wanderer, E-filing: Ready, Set, Send, page 35, Maine Bar Journal, Vol 35 No. 1 (Winter 2020)
See the full text of this informative article at pages 35-38 of the Journal: