Wednesday August 26, 2020 9:00-11:00 am
With the recent release of PMO-SJC-7, the Judicial Branch determined that almost all trial court proceedings must be conducted remotely, through video or telephonic formats. Additionally, the Judicial Branch will roll out its electronic filing program this fall beginning Oct. 5 in District 5. Representatives from the courts will provide information about the rollout plan; file and service requirements, including a demonstration; rules of electronic court systems; access to electronic case files; use of Zoom in the courtroom; and a Q&A session.
Bangor Courthouses to Bring New Electronic Case File System Online This Fall
Article from the Bangor Daily News 8/7/2020
Starting this fall, a new electronic system will help the public remotely access most civil cases and family matters in Bangor District Court and Penobscot County Superior Court of Bangor. Yhe new system will include public access computers that will be available at the district and superior courthouses in Bangor when the system goes online.
A statewide Maine eCourts system, will make trial court cases electronically accessible to the public by 2022, and will provide attorneys and self-represented parties with greater access to case records and more convenient ways to manage cases.
The full article can be found at the link below: